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Update to Lesson 2!

27 Nov

Now that I’m back at school from Thanksgiving break, I finally have a picture of our rug that is now decorated with nail polish. Here it is!

This is what happens when you decorate your rug with nail polish.

Lesson 2: Stick to it!

23 Nov

When you say you’re going to do something, DO IT! On that note, I feel like a major face palm is in order.

There we go. That describes me right now. I started this blog when?  Last Wednesday with my first post on Thursday? Okay, well when I look at it that may, I don’t feel so bad, but I made this blog with the intention of posting at least every other day. That obviously hasn’t been going too well. But then again, I have been super busy.

It’s nearing the end of the semester, so I’ve had a lot of homework and projects. I don’t even get my break completely off. I have to write a paper and read two books! I guess what I’m trying to say is that I didn’t exactly choose the best time to start a blog. But that’s okay. I will persevere.

In other news…

Over the weekend Sarah and I had a blast decorating our rug in our room. And by decorating, I hope you understand that I mean splattering with gobs and gobs of nail polish.

See, Friday night I was skyping with my parents. I was asking for a futon so that Sarah and I could rearrange our room the super cool way that we sketched up. Well, while I was skyping them, she was trying to paint her toe nails. By trying, I mean spilling her bottle of nail polish all over the rug and the floor. So of course my parents heard something and wanted to see what was up. After I showed them I helped Sarah try to clean, and though we managed to get the polish off of the floor, there really was no saving that poor rug.

Sarah and I really did try, but that nail polish was stubborn. See we decided to do the only logical thing: fix the rug by spilling even more nail polish on it, only this time, intentionally. So after a quick trip to Walmart and Walgreen’s, we had everything we needed. When we got back, we immediately started to “spill” the polish on the rug, and we could tell it was going to look awesome.

After it was all over, our room smelt like a nail salon and everyone in the hall was complaining about the smell, but the end result was totally worth it. I’m home for break now, and I don’t have a picture of the rug on me, so I’ll be sure to post one when I get back. Have you every had this sort of experience? Let me know!

Lesson 1: Friends Forever!

17 Nov

We all know that it’s scary to move to a new place. For most college students, that’s exactly what they have to do. And with new places, comes new friends.

Friends are important, make sure you have some good ones!

This is my first year in college. It’s also my first time living away from home. I wasn’t terrified to move here by any means, but I was worried about the friendship situation. I mean sure, I knew my boyfriend would be here, but I also knew I couldn’t spend all of my time with him. I was also hoping that I would get along well with my roommate, but I didn’t know her. What was I supposed to expect?

I didn’t really start to get nervous until move in day. Freshman move in about a week early, so I literally didn’t know a single person except for my roommate, and I had only met her once. Thankfully, the residence halls all have these lovely people who act as peer mentors, and they are extremely nice. So between getting to know Sarah (my roommate) and the peer mentors, I was already making friends. That’s the one thing I was worried about. But as the week went on and the upperclassmen started to move in, there were even more people to meet and befriend.

Now we’re pretty far into the semester, 9ish weeks I think, and I’m pretty certain that the friends I’ve made so far are gonna be around for awhile. Sarah and I get along great, which is apparently rare with roommates, and we have a pretty set group of friends that we hang out with all the time. We’re almost like the crew from Friends (almost), we’re all really close, and we also have other people that we’re friends with that we just don’t hang out with as much.

But more than just having friends, it’s important to have friends that will stick around for you. College is hard, especially when it’s your first time being away from home, and it definitely has it’s up and downs. But the friends that you make, if they’re good ones, will be there with you to laugh during the ups, and to help pick you back up in the downs. Just the other day, Sarah told me that she’s glad that she has us to “eat the algae off of her fish tank” (A silly but sweet reference to my empty fish tank-r.i.p. Oscar).

So what about you-what are your experiences with friends in college? Feel free to comment and let me know.